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Welcome to Oklahoma State University's website for youth academic camps. The site has two purposes: central site for youth camp registration in OSU's academic camps and to provide camp planning resources for OSU camp directors. 

  • Youth Camp/Event Set Up Form
    Please complete this form to submit your camp/event details  for the registration website. The cost is $5 per participant which can be built into the cost of the  camp/event. 
  • Residential Life Conference and Summer Camp Housing
    • Learn more about conference services here.
    • Contact Residential Life for more information about group lodging, rates, and requirements for the residential supervision of students.
    • If using a third party to conduct the camp, the contract must include compliance OSU’s with this policy. Independent contractor insurance is required. OSU Risk Management can assist, 405-744-7337.
  • Dining Options for Campers

    Dining hall services can be contracted for breakfast, lunch, and dinner for camps with 100+ participants in residence halls such as University Commons. If several camps are held simultaneously that will total 100 or more attendees, dining services can be provided. Contact Catering in University Dining Services to discuss options and pricing at 405.744.7053 or email  Camps with less than 100 people can choose from a few different options including purchasing temporary dining cards that can be used at various dining areas on campus. 

  • Field Trips and Transportation

    Field trips and additional activities such as the OSU climbing wall and the Challenge Course require additional waiver forms/signatures. Camp coordinators should contact OSU’s Risk & Property Management office to request assistance in creating a specific waiver form if one does not already exist.  Contact OSU Risk and Property Management Phone: 405.744.8504


    OSU Parking and Transportation Services

    OSU Transportation Services is used for field trip and activity transportation. Vans are reserved through OSU transportation. Using personal vehicles to transport campers is not advised.  OSU staff/faculty can drive the university vehicle(s), but the driver must be trained through the OSU precision driving course to obtain the specialized license designation. The driving course is a 4-hour training with driving instruction. OSU Transportation services offers the course once a month. The cost is $150 per person. For more information please contact Transportation Services and Motor Pool 405-744-7945.  More than one adult must be present in the vehicle with a minor unless there are multiple minors present.


    A parent permission form is needed to allow camp organizers to transport their child. Request a specific consent transportation form by contacting OSU’s Risk and Property Management office and provide camp details: title and purpose of the camp, the daily schedules, dates and times when campers will be transported and to where, the number of campers, and the camp director’s contact information. 



    OSU Parking and Transportation Services

    1006 W. Hall of Fame Stillwater, OK 74078405.744.6525parking@okstate.edu


  • Required Training and Record Keeping

    Requirements for Managing Camps


    In recognition of the absolute necessity of protecting Minors, OSU requires that all individuals working with Minors at an OSU sponsored camp or event complete the university-approved annual training regarding policies and issues relating to interactions with Minors including the practices and conduct requirements of this policy, on protecting Minors from abusive emotional and physical treatment, and on required reporting of incidents of improper conduct. The training focuses on appropriate interactions with minors and protecting minors from abusive emotional and physical treatment and the required reporting of incidents of improper conduct. This policy does not apply to general public events where parents or guardians are expected to provide supervision of Minors. 


    Training Requirements per Policy 1-0135: Minors Participating in OSU-Related Activities and Programs


    Per General University Policy 1-0135 MINORS PARTICIPATING IN OSU-RELATED ACTIVITIES AND PROGRAMS,  individuals, whether affiliated with OSU or not, who will be working with minors on university property and in facilities or under the authority and direction of Oklahoma State University at other locations, including branch campuses, must annually complete the Minors Participating in OSU-Related Activities Training. OSU's training provides information on the minimum requirements. Each department and camp program is responsible for ensuring and keeping records that all camp personnel meet the requirements for sponsoring a camp including the required annual training completion. Departments may choose to develop further training requirements. The university expects all members of the university community to adhere to and act in accordance with this policy.  Failure to comply with the requirements set forth in this policy may lead to disciplinary action and or revocation of the opportunity to use university property and facilities. 


    1. OSU faculty, staff, students, and non-OSU volunteers working at or assisting with a camp or event where minors are present as participants are required to complete the Minors on Campus training annually.  

    2. Each sponsoring department or entity coordinating the camp or event is responsible for disseminating the requirements of this policy and the training requirement to all individuals working at the camp or event.    

    3. Each sponsoring department or entity is responsible for collecting evidence of the annual training completion from all individuals working at the camp or event.   


    Training for Full-time Faculty and Staff and Part-time Faculty, Staff, and Students:


    Minors in OSU Events Training Link (Policy 1-0135).  This training is for full-time faculty and staff and part-time employees, temporary employees, and student employees. Proof of training completion is required for individuals working with minors in OSU events and camps.  

    • Full-time faculty and staff who work with or are in contact with minors related to OSU programs or activities, must complete the course annually. The course is offered through OSU Human Resources Proof of completion: employees can access their record of completion and send to the camp director. Or, the camp director can submit a list of employees to HR to request verification of completion. Questions can be directed to HR at 405.744.5374 or
    • Part-time, Temp, and Student employees complete the Minors on Campus training through the following training modules:  Part-time or Student Employees | Oklahoma State University ( Individuals will need to save the certificate of completion at the end of the of the training and attach the camp director. 
    • Volunteers will complete the Minors on Campus training video. 

    Below are sections from the General University Policy 1-0135 MINORS PARTICIPATING IN OSU-RELATED ACTIVITIES AND PROGRAMS,

    Appropriate Behavioral Expectations 5.01 Adults should be positive role models for Minors, and act in a caring, honest, respectful, and responsible manner that is consistent with the mission of OSU.  Adults working in programs covered by this policy must follow these expectations to avoid behaviors that could cause harm or be misinterpreted:
    A. Do not have one-on-one contact with Minors outside the presence of others.  It is expected that activities where Minors are present will involve two or more Adults.  If one-on-one interaction is required, meet in open, well-illuminated spaces or rooms with windows observable by other adults from the Program, unless the one-on-one interaction is expressly authorized by the Program Director, dean, department chairperson, or is being undertaken by a health care provider.
    B. Do not meet with Minors outside of established times for program activities.  Do not invite individual Minors to your home.  Any exceptions require written parental authorization and must include more than one adult from the program.
    C. Do not touch Minors in a manner that a reasonable person could interpret as inappropriate.  Touching should generally only be in the open and in response to the Minor's needs, for a purpose that is consistent with the Program's mission and culture, and/or for a clear educational, developmental, or health related (i.e., treatment of an injury) purpose.  Any resistance from the Minor should be respected.
    D. Do not engage in any abusive conduct of any kind toward, or in the presence of, a Minor, including but not limited to verbal abuse, striking, hitting, punching, poking, spanking, or restraining.  If restraint is necessary to protect a Minor or other Minors from harm, all incidents must be documented and disclosed to the Program Director and the Minor's parent/guardian.
    E. Do not shower, bathe, or undress with or in the presence of Minors.
    F. Do not use, possess, or be under the influence of alcohol or illegal drugs while on duty or when responsible for a Minor's welfare.
    G. When transporting Minors in a Program, more than one adult from the Program must be present in the vehicle, except when multiple Minors will be in the vehicle at all times through the transportation.  Avoid using personal vehicles if possible. 

    Statutory Reporting Requirements of Suspicion of Child Abuse or Neglect 6.01 .
    Under Oklahoma law, if you believe a child is being abused or neglected, you are required to report it to the proper authorities.  Reports can be made at any time to the Oklahoma Department of Human Services (OKDHS) Abuse and Neglect Hotline at 1-800-522-3511.  The hotline is available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.  In an emergency, or if you see a crime in progress, always call 911 immediately. State law requires every health care professional, teacher, and every OTHER person who has reason to believe that a child under 18 years of age is being abused or neglected, or is in danger of being abused or neglected, must report the suspicion of abuse or neglect promptly to the Oklahoma Department of Human Services (DHS). It is the policy of the university that no OSU faculty, staff, or student making a good faith report of suspected abuse or neglect will be retaliated against in the terms and conditions of employment or educational program at OSU. 

    Internal Procedures Following Report of Suspected Abuse 7.01
    The University will fully cooperate with any external investigation conducted by OKDHS or local law enforcement.  Following reporting as provided in Section 6.01, Adults shall also report the matter to the OSU Police Department (OSUPD) Chief of Police, or his/her designee, who in consultation with the Office of the Vice President and General Counsel, OSU Human Resources (if staff or hourly employee), Office of Student Affairs (if student), and the Office of Academic Affairs (if faculty), and will conduct its own internal evaluation to determine if sanctions are warranted, up to and including termination, dismissal or expulsion.  Legal prohibitions regarding physical presence on campus may also be pursued.  University administrators shall follow the appropriate procedures in determining and issuing any sanction (OSU Faculty Handbook, campus-based Academic Handbooks, OSU employee policies and procedures, and the Student Code of Conduct).  If the alleged abuser is one of the university officials identified herein, the OSUPD Chief of Police, or his/her designee, shall report and consult with his/her superior, or in any instance, the Provost, the President, or the Board of Regents, if appropriate. The Office of the Vice President and General Counsel shall maintain a report of each allegation, together with a summary of the internal evaluation, the findings and sanctions, if any, that are imposed. If the alleged abuser is not a member of the OSU community, but is present at OSU through a third party vendor or other external entity authorized to be on campus, that external entity will also be notified that the alleged abuser will no longer be permitted on campus/facilities owned by OSU. Violations of this Policy 8.01 Any employee who becomes aware of a failure to comply with this policy shall, in addition to any other reports that may be required, report such failure immediately to the Director of Human Resources or through EthicsPoint by completing the internet form or by calling the toll-free hotline number, 866-294-8692. 


    Violations of this Policy 8.01
    Any employee who becomes aware of a failure to comply with this policy shall, in addition to any other reports that may be required, report such failure immediately to the Director of Human Resources or through EthicsPoint by completing the internet form or by calling the toll-free hotline number, 866-294-8692. 


    Title VII and Title IX 


    It is the policy of Oklahoma State University that unlawful gender discrimination in any form, including sexual harassment of faculty and staff, or other forms of gender discrimination as referenced by Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 (Title VII), and Title IX of the Education Amendments of 1972 (Title IX) is prohibited. Title VII and Title IX training is required training annually for OSU faculty, full and part-time staff, student employees, and OSU students. All OSU Employees have been designated as a responsible employees and as a result are expected to take mandatory annual Title IX training 


    Required: Background Checks

    Prior to employment at OSU, a background check is performed. For non-OSU volunteers, OSU does not currently require a background check of non-OSU volunteers; however, the sponsoring department or entity may request a background check through Oklahoma State University Human Resources. Questions can be directed to HR at 405.744.5374 All camp or event workers (faculty, staff, and non-OSU volunteers must complete the annual Minors on Campus training and adhere to the policy guidance.




    OSU Risk and Property management 
    618 N. Monroe Stillwater, OK 74078-1022 


    OSU Legal, Counsel, Board of Regents
    Brandee Hancock, Deputy General Counsel/Interim Chief Legal Officer 5th floor – Student Union 


     FERPA training is not necessary because the youth/minors are not OSU students.


    Record Keeping


    The sponsoring unit shall maintain event records listed below and have in place, enforce, and make available policies that address the following areas, if they are applicable to the program:


    1. Transportation--including the transportation of Minors at the beginning and end of the program, to and from the program, and within the program, whether by parents, guardians, staff or others. University programs must also comply with OSU policies regarding drivers and vehicles.
    2. Appropriate levels of access to and supervision of Minors.
    3. Appropriate forms including permission forms, medical contact information and liability waivers. Forms should be safeguarded and readily available.
    4. First aid and medical treatment as well as dispensing of medication. Program personnel must have appropriate training.
    5. Plans for severe weather.


    Programs including overnight stays or use of university residences by Minors shall have the following additional policies in place:


    1. Curfews.
    2. Suitable code of conduct for participants.
    3. Prohibition of alcohol, tobacco, and illegal drugs.
    4. Adequate residential supervision by responsible adults.


    Contractual agreements with third parties concerning personnel or facilities related to programs including Minors must include compliance with this policy as a term of the contract. When appropriate, such contracts shall also include an indemnification provision in which OSU is held harmless for the acts or omissions of other program participants or third party employees or agents. Independent contractors must have insurance. Contact OSU Risk Management for required contract language (405.744.8504).


    Record Keeping Requirements


    Sponsoring units offering or approving a program which involves Minors or provides University housing for Minors participating in a program, units responsible for university facilities that are used by programs including Minors, or a non-university group using OSU facilities or housing shall maintain the following records: 


    1. Individual Participant Records

    Maintain liability waivers, medical permissions and treatment, photo and video waivers, and conduct form. A parent/guardian signature is required on these forms. These forms are built into the registration system per individual camp and event. 


    1. Programmatic records.

    Maintain a current list of all programs that involve minors along with the dates, times, locations, age range and number of participants, and program contact so that in the event of an emergency, consideration may be given to the possible presence of Minors, and the appropriate course of action to address their health and safety.


    1. Training Records.

    Each program and sponsoring unit is responsible for making sure that all camp staff and volunteers have attended the required training via documentation. 


    General Camp Questions?


    Brenda Dawes 
    Professional and Continuing Education
    Institute for Teaching & Learning Excellence405.744.2161 or 405.744.1000